by Ezelina Kamaliza

I started  my first  job when I was 22 Years old, all I did was write stories on Child rights with particular  focus on girls, the challenges  they face and efforts  being made to empower  them.

I thought I was only doing my job. Talking to Members of parliament, government officials, the police and other stakeholders to make girls access to education and protection from dangers like child marriages and abuse a reality.

Ezelina talking to a panel of judges at the Supreme court of Spain

Until 2017 when I was invited to Judge Fernando Grande-Marlaskas office in Spain, the then Presiding judge of the Criminal Chamber (Now the Spanish Minister of Interior.)

We spoke about how  all we did as Malawi was to amplify the girls voices to have stiffer penalties  for perpetrators  of sexual violence  against girls and having a law to put an end to child marriages.

And later I was invited to speak to the Spanish Chamber of Judges on the same.

Honorable Marlaska said he wished this could be a reality for Spain soon with the efforts being made by non -state actors and how he would be gland to implement the kind of laws that Malawi has.

About two weeks ago we celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child under the theme:  Girl Force: Unscripted and unstoppable”, it reminded me of how every effort counts, it’s never too small. Yes I am a girl with a force unscripted and unstoppable tagging along every girl to be the best they can ever be.

I hope all the partners in the fight for empowerment of girls and promotion  of child rights  in general  realize  that the instruments must be implemented  to the core.

Ezelina moderating a a panel discussion on International Women’s day at the British High Commissioner’s residence.