YESI reaches out to Salima youths

Mentorship for students in and out of school has been described as the best remedy for better performance in the lives of young people. This is according to leaders of Youth Empowerment and Support Initiative (YESI Malawi) who had involved secondary school-going students and recent university graduates in a mentorship

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Empowering the girl child

by Ezelina Kamaliza I started  my first  job when I was 22 Years old, all I did was write stories on Child rights with particular  focus on girls, the challenges  they face and efforts  being made to empower  them. I thought I was only doing my job. Talking to Members of

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Don’t give up yet, there’s still Hope

By Florence Cheyo ‘‘You cannot choose to be born in a poor family, but you have the power in your hands to rewrite your story and wallow out of poverty”. Our background should not determine our destination in our life, as human beings we should have an ambition to become

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