This is part of a two series story initially published by our team leader Samuel on his Facebook page.

I knew that Elijah Chikumba was a hardworking student, so when I saw him roaming the streets on a Friday morning, I was baffled. Later in the day I went to his home and asked his father why he’s home.
His aging father, a retired civil servant revealed to me that he only get K10,000 per month as his retirement which caters for food and all house needs. The fees at Chipoka secondary school was at K55,000 and he couldn’t afford & all NGO’s had turned them down. So he had decided that he’d negotiate with the education authorities to let him transfer from the boarding school to a CDSS.

I assured his father that by Sunday, we’d do anything possible that he returns to school. By God’s grace, when I shared his story with a friend, he committed to paying his fees till he completes secondary school.
Elijah sat for the recently released MSCE exams, and am excited to share his results with you:

Mathematics 1
Physics 2
Biology 2
Chemistry 2
Geography 3
Agriculture 3
Chichewa 3
English 4
Aggregate : 14

If you don’t believe, I do, there’s a God in heaven!
I look forward to seeing Elijah go to university, he’ll be the first in his family line